On October 18th, the French PDX network and the Organoids research group organised, with the support of the SIRIC ILIAD and the CRCI²NA, a hybrid colloquium : Modeling tumor development and progression: From PDXs to cancer organoids.

Colloque organoids

Organised by Vincent Guen and Philippe Juin, respectively researcher and co-leader of the PISTER programme, and Sergio Roman Roman, researcher at the Institut Curie, this conference brought together nearly 190 participants from all over France thanks to its hybrid format: online via zoom and face-to-face at the Institut de Recherche en Santé of the University of Nantes.

This colloquium “From PDXs to cancer organoids” also allowed 3 of the 8 SIRICs to meet around this question, in a context of inter-SIRIC collaboration:

  • Sergio Roman Roman & Elisabetta Marangoni from SIRIC Curie
  • Charles Thelliet from SIRIC Montpellier
  • Philippe Juin & Vincent Guen from SIRIC ILIAD

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Le programme :

08:00-09:00 A.M. Registration – Coffee
09:00-09:30 A.M. Opening remarks
  • 09:00-09:15 A.M. – The French PDX network: Sergio Roman Roman (Institut Curie, Paris)
  • 09:15-09:30 A.M. – The French organoid network (GDR organoid): Vincent Flacher (IBMC, Strasbourg) & Maxime Mahé (TENS, Nantes)
09:30-10:30 A.M. Session I: Modeling tumor development and therapeutic resistance
  • 09:30-10:00 A.M. – Elisabetta Marangoni (Institut Curie, Paris)
  • 10:00-10:30 A.M. – Vincent Guen (CRCI2NA, Nantes)
10:30-11:00 A.M. Coffee Break
  • 11:00-11:30 A.M. – Charles Theillet (IRCM, Montpellier)
11:30 A.M.-02:30 P.M. Session II: Modeling tumor therapeutic resistance and metastasis
  • 11:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M. – Christophe Ginestier (CRCM, Marseille)
12:00-01:30 P.M. Lunch Break
  • 01:30-02:00 P.M. – Michelina Plateroti (IRFAC, Strasbourg)
  • 02:00-02:30 P.M. – Alice Boileve (Gustave Roussy, Paris)
02:30 P.M.-04:30 P.M. Session III: Organoid core facilities and next challenges in cancer organoid research
  • 02:30-03:00 P.M. – Louis-Bastien Weiswald – (Orgapred, Caen)
03:00-03:30 P.M. Coffee Break
  • 03:30-04:00 P.M. – Clémence Deligne (CRCL, Lyon)
  • 04:00-04:30 P.M. – Christophe Blanquart (CRCI2NA, Nantes)
04:30-05:00 P.M. Closing remarks

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