Post-doctoral position on cancer cell death induced by oncolytic viruses

Host institutions:
• French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM, CRCINA, “Targeting Bcl2 and p53 networks in multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma “ Team, UMR1232), Nantes, France
• Dr Catherine Pellat (
Duration: 2 years

Context and objectives:

Nantes-Angers Cancer and Immunology Research Center (CRCINA,, is a multidisciplinary cancer research center supported by INSERM, CNRS, Nantes and Angers Universities, and organized into 17 teams located at Nantes or Angers. CRCINA is the main stakeholder of SIRIC ILIAD (, an INCa-certified multidisciplinary research project in nuclear (Tharget) and cellular (Pister) oncology in the field of breast cancer and multiple myeloma.

The team “Targeting Bcl2 and p53 networks in multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma “ directed by M Amiot and C Pellat (Team 10 in CRCINA) studies the regulations of Bcl2 and p53 networks in multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma in order to target resistance. The team, which has an internationally recognized expertise in the field of mitochondrial dependent cell death and its targeting with BH3 mimetics, wishes to increase its expertise by implementing research in virus-induced cell death to overcome p53 and mitochondrial resistance.

SIRIC ILIAD is offering a 2-year Research Fellowship to study the mechanisms of cancer cell death induced by oncolytic viruses (PISTER program) in team 10.

• Education: The candidate must hold a PhD in biological sciences.
The candidate is expected to be autonomous and motivated. A strong expertise in cell and molecular biology. Expertise in malignant hematology and in analysis of high-throughput data would be helpful. Teamwork skills are mandatory.

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