The University Hospital of Nantes and the University of Nantes are proud to announce that Professor Philippe Moreau, Director of the SIRIC ILIAD and a haematologist specialising in the treatment of multiple myeloma, is for the third consecutive year among the 1% most cited researchers worldwide in all fields of research according to the prestigious Clarivate Analytics report. This ranking of 6,000 researchers, 157 of whom are affiliated with a French institution, is based on an analysis of the number of times a scientific publication is cited or named in other publications, considering that the more times the publication is cited, the greater its influence.
Philippe Moreau‘s expertise is internationally recognised and he has been distinguished for his clinical research work which has contributed to the development of new treatments for patients with multiple myeloma. This distinction also highlights the excellence of the research carried out in Nantes for more than ten years in the field of blood diseases, particularly mature B haemopathies, by the Inserm teams and the haematology department.
Read the full report of the Clarivate analysis