e-EpiMeeting 2021

Niches et Epigénétique des Cancers - Cancéropôle du Grand ...

e-EpiMeeting 2021 is an international virtual epigenetics congress.

This meeting is organized by the « Niches and Epigenetics of tumors » Network of Canceropole Grand Ouest with the straight collaboration with a team of Inserm UMR1098 from University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

This congress will be held on the 10th and 11th of May 2021.

Program here

Speakers :

Jason Carroll, title coming, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Jérôme Eeckhoute, Control of cellular identity in liver pathophysiology, Lille, FranceCarmen JeronimoEpigenomics and epitranscriptomics: unravelling urological cancer biology and novel clinical biomarkers, Porto, Portugal

Olivier Joffre, ERV-derived genomic sequences control T helper cell differentiation, Toulouse, France

Mathieu Lupien, Single-cell chromatin accessibility in glioblastoma delineates heterogeneity within cancer stem cells,Toronto, Canada

Hisham Mohammed, Multi-omic single-cell approach reveals transcriptional and epigenetic plasticity in hormone driven cancersPortland, USA (to be confirmed)

Denis Mottet, The BAF complex: more than a chromatin remodeling complex, Liege, Belgium

Marek Mraz, MicroRNAs in the regulation of  microenvironmental interactions of malignant B cells, Brno, Czeck Republic

Peter Mulligan, Characterization of a novel epigenetic regulator of breast cancer, Lyon, France

Duncan Odom, Pervasive lesion segregation shapes cancer genome evolutionHeidelberg, Germany

Gilles Salbert, Epigenetic reprogramming of breast cancer cells, Rennes, France

Petr Svoboda, Small and long non-coding RNAs in mammalian oocytes, Prague, Czeck Republic (to be confirmed)

Céline Vallot, Tracking the dynamics of chromatin states in tumors cells at single-cell resolution:response and resistance to cancer therapies Paris, France

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