On Friday 26 March 2021, Professor Philippe Moreau, Director of the SIRIC ILIAD and haematologist at the Nantes University Hospital, took part in the “Disability and Employment Club” organised by the MEDEF 44 on the issue of cancer and return to work, alongside the patient associations Ma Parenthèse and La Ligue contre le cancer.

On the agenda of the Disability and Employment Club workshop dedicated to the return to work after cancer: supporting employees in their return to work. This digital event organised by MEDEF 44 was an opportunity to discover the actions carried out by the patient associations Ma Parenthèse and the Ligue contre le cancer (as part of the Lig’entreprises initiative) to support patients in their return to work, as well as the research carried out in this field by the SIRIC ILIAD.

Professor Philippe Moreau, Director of SIRIC ILIAD, opened the workshop on Friday morning with a presentation of cancerous pathologies and their consequences on the lives of patients, and in particular on their professional lives. He introduced the SIRIC ILIAD and the research carried out by the ReWork programme, directed by Professor Yves Roquelaure, researcher at the IRSET laboratory and head of the Occupational Pathology and Occupational Health Consultation Centre at the Angers University Hospital.

The work of this programme, entirely devoted to Human and Social Sciences (HSS)-Epidemiology-Public Health, is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Developing tools for identifying and providing personalised care for patients who have difficulty returning to work or staying in work after breast cancer (Dr Bertrand Porro, psychologist and researcher on return to work)
  2. Participate in the national Constances cohort on the pathways before and after cancer
  3. Prefiguring the “Cancer and Employment” network to help people stay in work after cancer

In the long term, this programme aims to :

  1. Set up a programme of personalised interventions for sustainable employment after cancer
  2. Extend the “Cancer and Employment” network to the entire Pays de la Loire region

SIRIC ILIAD would like to thank MEDEF 44 and Yves-Olivier Lenormand for the richness of the exchanges with all the stakeholders.

Watch the replay of the workshop (also available on the MEDEF 44 Youtube channel):


More information on the ReWork programme


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