The French National Cancer Institute is organising a day of debate and exchange for the general public on the issue of maintaining and returning to work for people affected by cancer: “Living and working with cancer”.

Every year, nearly 400,000 people are diagnosed with cancer, and of these, 40% are in employment at the time of diagnosis. With the emergence of new, sometimes milder, treatment modalities and the overall improvement in survival, the question of maintaining or returning to work is taking on new importance. And we know that keeping a job, when possible and desired by the patient, helps to improve quality of life and the recovery process.

However, reconciling the disease, its consequences and working life is still complex. This requires taking into account both the constraints of patients or former patients (medical follow-up, fatigue, sleep, memory and concentration problems, for example) and those of companies.

This conference has a double objective: to bring together the main institutional and associative players and to raise awareness among companies and the general public of the questions, issues and difficulties raised by these developments. It will offer plenary sessions and thematic masterclasses to address these issues.

SIRIC ILIAD’s ReWork-Qol programme will welcome the public on its stand, during breaks and lunch, to present its actions and key achievements. The agora will also be an opportunity to exchange with the public.

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