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Category: Inter SIRIC_1

Cancer research: The importance of SIRICs recognised by the scientific committee of INCa

Following the mid-term evaluation of the SIRICs (SIte de Recherche Intégrée sur le Cancer), the scientific committee of the French
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Inter-SIRIC meeting ” Colorectal Cancer” | 10-11 March 2022, IRCM Montpellier

The Montpellier Cancer SIRIC is co-organising with the 7 other French SIRICs a Workshop on the theme of Colorectal Cancer
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European Cancer Meeting 2022 – Restitution of the “Cancer & Employment” workshop

European Cancer Meeting of the french National Cancer Institute, February 3 & 4, 2022 On the occasion of the French
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8th SIRIC Montpellier cancer annual meeting | 25 June 2021

The SIRIC Montpellier Cancer is organising its 8th annual meeting on Friday 25 June 2021, at the Palais des congrès
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Archives 2018-2022